Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life Proof Nail Polish!

I've never been one to follow trends with nails. My active lifestyle, and all around klutziness will not stand for it. Without fail a newly manicured hand, is left demolished within a matter of days. Leaving me with half painted and chipped nails that look worse than they did before the manicure. No paint is better than a half painted nail for sure. You'd think that false nails would be a nice alternative for someone like me, and I have tried them a few times. After my last jammed nail I swore no more. So, when a I had to spend time learning a new nail service I was not excited. I'm not gonna lie. Little did I know my nails would be changed forever by a product created by CND. Shellac is a gel nail polish cured by a UV light, which lasts at least two weeks chip free. Not only does it last, the polish looks bright and literally wet the entire time. Looks great, wears great, and doesn't take long at all to get applied. Another added bonus is that it doesn't damage your natural nail. So here is to the chemist and product developer that finally was able to add a little splash of color to my nails. It fits my lifestyle and I can now say goodbye to drab, chipped nails. It's definitely a product and service we will be hearing about for a long time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A lemon a day!

Within a single day we are bombarded with promises of ways to lose weight, clear toxins, and clear up our skin. Usually these purposed methods involve purchasing pricey products from an industry that feeds off of our ever quest to look and feel great. I don't know about you but I am tired of supporting an industry that announces the next great remedy as soon as the last marketing campaign loses momentum. Because it flat out doesn't work. That being said here is a simple way to boost your metabolism, clear your complexion, and curb cravings. Drink 2 to 3 Liters of lemon water a day. Pretty simple. Lemon acts as a natural bile thinner which helps your body process fat more efficiently. I have also noticed a huge boost in energy! So instead of spending on fad promises go to your produce department, and buy a bag of lemons. Slice one up in the morning, and put it in a bottle as large as you feel comfortable carrying around. Sip it all day. This way you are not losing track of how much water you are drinking. Plus the bottle looks cute. Happy Sipping, and kiss that sallow complexion goodbye!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Trading Places

Imagine seeing life through a different set of eyes. Do your best to look at life through your neighbors perspective. Each person in this world has experienced, and imagined life through a unique set of goggles. While imagining life through your neighbors eyes eliminate what you know, what you have been exposed to, and what you have learned in your life. Take a look through another pair of eyes. Each person is born into this world with different experiences, and exposures to ideas that can accumulate to their behavior. I came across this thought while being confronted with a personality that "clashed". I became upset, I decided to be upset because of this person. In the future instead of reacting out of fear and judgement, I will take a step back try on a new pair of goggles and find something to appreciate from this person. Find something to love, especially in the face of adversity.

When people know better,
they do better
-Maya Angelou

Monday, April 12, 2010

When I wake up in my makeup!

Who hasn't woken up to a raccoon staring back at them in the bathroom mirror? I for one am guilty of this a few times a year. Which brings me to offering up the number one skin care tip that I have come across. Always wash the day off your face before hitting the hay. Throughout the day our skin collects debris, oil, environmental toxins, and that is apart from our makeup. Without cleansing our face we are leaving these dirty elements to marinate our complexion and deposit in our pores overnight. Which leads to aging, breakouts, and an overall dull complexion. Adding a cleansing routine to your evening routine gives your skin the TLC it deserves and you a fresh start to your day. Here are a few cleansing tips to add to, modify with, or start your evening cleansing routine.

  • Start by removing your eye makeup with a cotton eye round, or I happen to like Almay Eye Makeup remover pads. Remember the skin around your eye can become very dry which is why its one of the first spots to show age. Be gentle, and do not use drying soaps on this area.
  • Using upward motions cleanse your face with an appropriate cleanser for your skin type.
  • Tone, and moisturize
  • Eye Cream, Eye Cream, Eye Cream! We have got to fight those crows feet with all we have.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hello World!

Allow me to introduce myself, what I love, and the rhyme behind my reason for this blog. I am an esthetician, writer, and life long magazine reader. I love to read, write, and to jump feet first into life. I will explore skin care, beauty, style, and well being in my blog Give In. The reason for this blog is to inspire not only my readers but myself to create the best life possible. Give In to Great Skin, Love, Well Being, and Happiness. Why? Because I can't think of a reason not to.

Intense love does not measure,
it just gives.

-Mother Teresa